Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Digital Journalism

Although I am a fan of newspapers and "oldschool" news formats, I believe that digital journalism opens the door for more opportunities for journalists.

Before, you were limited to what you were able to do and who you were able to reach. Also, digital journalism makes news more instant. Now a days, with the ease of the internet stories are being posted as they are happening. Also these news websites that are reporting the stories are more interactive with the audience. While this offers a chance for people to comment on stories, and even offer corrections to the story, there are some people that critique this feature. Sometimes, the comments are inappropriate and are uneducated responses.

Digital journalism, while it has eliminated many positions at newspapers has also created new job opportunities for college students with a journalism degree. For example, companies are looking for someone who can specifially write an educational blog, or are capable of html coding. And the more familiar you are with those things as well as facebook, twitter and other social networking, the more opportunities you have.

1 comment:

  1. What is it about the digital news environment--specifically--that makes it so different? Show us some examples! Link to them and tell us in detail why and how things are changing.
    Christine M. Tracy
