Monday, February 1, 2010

Here Comes New News

When reading "Here Comes New News," I found some of the points made very interesting. As we all know, journalism is going through a transition and eventually will be all digital. After reading this it is important to understand the characteristics of this change, and what makes news and media.

I liked this point "thus, news is not an economic transaction but a social and cultural practice involving knowledge generation, information creation, and public distribution," because it is so true. The way that news is delivered defines a culture. Along with this point, is James Careys definition of journalism "Like the novel to which it is at every historical point connected, Journalism converts valued experience into memory and record so it will not perish… Journalism takes its name from the French word for day. It is our daybook, our collective diary, which records our common life. That which goes unrecorded goes unpreserved except in the vanishing moment of our individual lives. Here you will study the practice of journalism. Not the media. Not the news business. Not the newspaper or the magazine or the television station but the practice of journalism. There are media everywhere …there just isn’t all that much journalism. (Carey, 1996, pp. 1-2)" Journalism is an art and especially today we are focused on the economic practice of it, not on the importance of good, solid journalism.


  1. I think not "all" journalism will be digital but it will mostly be. Americans are very much into the digital age...where in Europe, Newspapers are still a major source of getting the daily news.

    I think that our culture pushes for society to all conform to phones, ipods, and such. Of course there are quite a few still (myself included) that enjoys reading the paper or the weekly printed news.

    Then of course, you have magazines. Time, Life, Money...these all produce news in their own way and they seem to do very well. Even the celebrity magazines publish "news-ish" stories.

  2. I agree that not all journalism will be digital.
    I think some of the best journalism being done now is in books, such as Jeremy Scahill's Blackwater.
    Christine M. Tracy
